Arkansas Genealogy

This guide is designed to assist with using the archival and history resources of the University of Arkansas Libraries for conducting family history and genealogical research.

Subject Guide

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Special Collections Department
365 N. McIlroy Avenue
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Mullins Library, Room 329

How to Start

To start your research gather as many family documents as you can find and be sure to write down details about your immediate family:

  • Try to record full names and important dates (births, marriages, and deaths).
  • Other details such as place of birth and your mother's maiden name may also be useful.
  • State birth and death records should be requested from the Arkansas Department of Health.
  • County courthouses are also good places to begin an inquiry about legal records, including marriage certificates.
  • Speak to your grandparents and ask them about their lives, memories and names of their parents and grandparents.
  • Ask your relatives if they have previously completed any genealogical research. (If any attempts at recording your family's genealogy has already occurred, this will save you a lot of time).
  • Search your belongings for old photographs or diaries, ask your relatives if they have any items that might be useful in your research.
  • You can gain a lot of information from relatives, so make sure you ask around. Remember to document anything useful that you find out.

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We can help you locate and use manuscript collections as well as the many published books in the Arkansas and Rare Books Collections.

Arkansas Family Trees

Tree photograph