CHEM 1123: University Chemistry II

This guide provides basic resources for the University Chemistry II course

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Connectors Use "AND" or "OR" to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use "AND NOT " to exclude words. "And" is assumed.
Example : china and taiwan
Example : china or taiwan
Example : china and not taiwan
Wildcards Retrieve the various endings of a word, or alternate spellings, with wildcard characters:
  • * for any number of characters
  • ? to replace a single character anywhere within a word
Examples : theat*, wom?n
Adjacency "And" is assumed between words. Place phrases in quotes.
Example : "let us build us a city"
Proximity Use "near" to specify words close to each other, in any order.
Use "within #" to specify how closely two words must occur together.
Example : arkansas near university
Example :folk within 5 music
Nesting Use parentheses () to group together similar concepts in a search.
Example : (women or gender) and (russia* or soviet)
Field limits Use field tags to limit your search to words found only in specific parts of the citation. Field tags are:
  • a: (words from the author's name)
  • t: (words from title)
  • s: (words in subject headings)
  • n: (words from notes fields)
Example : a:woods and t:fulbright
Example : s:world war and t:arkansas
Example : n:cambridge and a:stephens
Example : t:birds and a:james

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