StaffGuide: Statistics Data Farm

Gateway to various library statistics

Aggregate Data, 2019 -

Need usage data for a specific resource? Send email to 

Databases: Annual Compiled Data

The following DB1 reports are reconstructed from searches, sessions, and documents data stored in the Data Farm v. 1.0.

Database and vendor names may not match current formats.

These are in COUNTER mixed R3 and R4 format for ease of comparison with later years. Documents (usually full-text accesses) have been ported to the DB1 column for "Record Views" though that may not match exactly the strict COUNTER definition.

Database Metrics used by COUNTER


Release 4 (or 3)

  • DB1 (searches, clicks and views; sometimes sessions. )
  • PR1 (searches, clicks and views, generally on journal or book platforms)

Sessions were deprecated with Release 4 of COUNTER. However, occasionally that is all the information we have on a resource.


Searches appear in both DB1 and PR1 reports. We take only one value per vendor.
As a metric, searches as less and less reliable because of cross-search against vendor platforms and duplication of search numbers.

Results Clicks and Record Views

These appear in both DB1 and PR1 reports with variations by vendor.

  • Result clicks count each time a user clicked a link from the search result to the detailed view, a link resolver, etc.

  •  Record views counts the abstract/detailed records explicitly viewed from the database.

Release 5

  • DR-D1 or DR (Database Master)
    Reports on Searches, Investigations and Requests.
    • Total_Item_Investigations: An investigation is tracked when a user performs any action in relation to a content item or title,
    • Total_Item_Requests: A request is specifically related to viewing or downloading the full content item.