Scholarworks@UARK: Author Guidelines

Basics of Work Submission

Dissertations and graduate theses are added directly to the institutional repository via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Undergraduate theses are managed through a collaboration with the Honors College.

Other materials Faculty, staff, departments and centers have two options for submitting research or creative work – self-submission or assisted submission. Self-submissions will be reviewed before posting.

Author Agreement for Faculty and Staff

When you submit your work for posting in ScholarWorks@UARK, please include the signed Author Agreement (below). If you are submitting previously published audio or video recordings, please complete the Rights Clearance form as well. If you have questions, contact the Institutional Repository Coordinator by email at

File types and sizes

ScholarWorks@UARK can host a variety of materials such as journal articles, presentations, books, conference papers, posters, lectures, images, audio recordings, and videos.

ScholarWorks@UARK does not host research datasets, although smaller supplementary files may be added For assistance with data, visit the Dryad data repository guide linked below.

PLEASE NOTE : If any part of the work contains patent pending research, it should not be submitted to ScholarWorks@UARK until the title and abstract can be publicly displayed. Please contact with questions.

In order to maximize preservation and access, please contribute files in non-proprietary formats. For more information, please see file formats in our data file management guide