StaffGuide: Electronic Serials

Electronic Serials

Adding ERM Check-In Records

To manually add check-in records after a resource has already been catalog loaded:

  1. First make sure the bib you would like to add a check-in record to matches the information in the coverage edit. ISSN and Title should be the same.

  2. Next, look up a record that already has the ERM check-in from the same resource. Keep it open so that you may copy and paste from it. Alternatively, you may visit the resource record and obtain the Resource ID and ERM Link number.

  3. Create a check-in record using the ERM check-in template.

  4. Add in the correct ERM Link (indicator j) and Resource ID (indicator p). This information can be copied from the check-in record you pulled up in step 2.

  5. Save. The url and holding should automatically update. If it links correctly, save again.

ERM Check in

Adding an 856 to a bib


The following are the abbreviations you should use for chronological designations. See the “Standard Terms and Abbreviations for Item Records”  for more details on volume enumeration.


If the URL is from a resource that it not yet Catalog Loaded, or will not be catalog loaded, then the URL can be placed directly in the bib. URLs are placed sparingly in the bibs and used when ERM is not available. Before being added, the URL holdings should be evaluated.

Some considerations:

  • The URL should lead to full-text access
  • Provide an archive of substantial quantity
  • Be of value to the academic/library community
  • If it is a paid resource, it should be proxied.
  • Should not connect to databases or resources that demand payment from the user for access.

If you have trouble determining if a URL should be added consult with Library Supervisor to determine if it needs referred to the subject selector.

Use the appropriate indicators for the 856. 856 40 is used when the title is only received in electronic form. 856 41 is used when the title is also received in print. 856 42 is used for related resources.

  • Example of online only URL:
    • Y 856 40 |u|zv.1 (1995)-  .  
  • Example of print+online URL:​
    • Y 856 41 |u|zv.1 (1995)-  .
  •  Example of related resource URL:​
    • Y 856 42 |u|zIndex only.

If there is an internet resource already attached to the bib via a check in record, the phrase Provider web site should be added after the holdings listed in the 856.

After adding an 856, be sure to review the holdings on the bib. If there are no other internet holdings, the bib will need to have internet cataloging added.

  • 655 7 Electronic journals.|2afu
  • Location changed to inter
  • add the internet item record

See below for a more detailed walk-through on the addition of internet cataloging.


|z notes about holdings follow this basic pattern: |zv.# (Mon. YEAR). [Directional notes here.]

The two parts after the |z field are holdings and notes. Holdings will always come first, and notes come last and always in brackets. The notes indicate how to find the content or restrictions on content, and the holdings indicate what content is available.

  • holdings examples: 

                        |zv.1 (1995)-  .


|zno.25-  .

|zv.20 no.6 (June 2005)-  .

|zv.3 no.4 (Mar. 1995)-v.13 (2005).

|zLatest edition only.

|zSpr. 2001-Win. 2005.

  • notes examples

[Most recent 2 years not available.] (example of limited retention)

[Password available at Research Desk.]

[Individual registration required.]

[Select Publications, then select PBG newsletters to view online version.]

  • Use the period to mark the end of the holdings portion of |z.
  • Do not use the word “click” when you can use “select”.
  • Use web site not website or webpage
  • If the note is a complete sentence, end it with a period inside brackets.


Some web publishers do not recognize title changes and so lump all issues from previous titles under the website with the new title. The pattern you will use in the old title is to add the note:

[title A displayed with title B.]  Title A would be the bibliographic record in which you are adding a URL. Title B would be the successive title which is carried on the website.

Here are some examples

[Transactions of the Electrochemical Society displayed with the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.]

(From record for Transactions of the Electrochemical Society) 

[Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure displayed with Annual review of biophysics.]

(From record for Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure)


Some URLs open either directly to the issue or to a publications list, containing multiple publications from the author.  Do not try to give specific instructions but give a simple note:

|z1999/2000-  . [Select from Publications list.] 

(From record .b26431828) 

The note can be modified to address other situations where it is simply a list of resources and not publications:

|zLatest edition only. [Select ASBPA Directory from list.]

(from record .b17593955)


Brief instructions, when necessary, can help pinpoint exact location of resources. Do not use quotation marks to indicate the title of a web section or part. Use capitalization to distinguish named parts of the website:

|u|z1998/1999-  . [Select Archives from top menu.]

In this case, “Archives” is the web part’s name.


In general, you would use the 42 “Related Resource” indicators to describe content that is different or less than the full-text of the electronic journal. Below are some occasions in which you may need to use it.

In some cases, you will not be able to identify the individual title from a website of resources. These websites have either removed the content as a separate publication and have integrated it into their home pages. For these resources, use the 856 42 format:

Y 856 4 2 |u|zLSU AgCenter web site.    

(From record .b14015626 )

In some cases, you will have only a search box or database to find the resources.  The volumes and issues are no longer available as a list.  In many cases, the user may have to search in a very specific way. Provide brief instructions if necessary:

Y 856 4  2 |u|zSelected issues. [Search in Catalog Box, enter PNW.]

(From record .b12846946 )

You will also use the 856 42 to indicate online indexes to the publication:

Y 856 4  2 |u|zIndex to v.1 (1942)-v.59 (2000).
Y 856 4  2  |u|zIndex only.

In some publications, you will be able to access only the latest issues or they have arranged their publication in such a way that you are unable to view content arranged at the issue level. You will want to indicate that access is only available to selected issues only:

Y 856 4  2 |u|zSelected issues only.                    


Approved Limited Retention Notes

Recent issues only.

Latest [no.] editions. Such as, Latest 2 editions.

Current edition only.

Current year only.

Latest edition only.

Latest year only.

Most recent [no.] years not available. Such as, Most recent 3 years not available.

Note:  Use the word “current” for titles published more frequently than annually. Use the word “latest” for titles published annually or less frequently.


Month abbreviations:  

Season abbreviations:

























Adding Internet Cataloging

If adding internet holdings to a print record, the record must go to Cataloging to have the 655 added. Also make sure INTER is listed as a location. There must be a internet item record (I TYPE: 43 Internet resource, LOCATION: inter Internet Resource, STATUS: j ON INTERNET) to hold the INTER location.

internet cataloging