StaffGuide: CONTENTdm Cookbook

Recipes for Metadata Entry for the University of Arkansas Libraries


Field Name: Transcript
Requirement: Mandatory, if applicable
Repeatable: No
Search: Yes
Hide: No
Vocabulary: No
Dublin Core (DC) Mapping: dc.description (or none if not to be exposed for harvesting)
MARC Mapping: 520 [8 ] (or none)
CONTENTdm Data Type: Full Text Search (not harvested by OCLC’s Digital Collection Gateway)
Dublin Core Definition: An account of the resource.
UA Definition: For resources that contain words, the full text of the resource.

Do not enter text as metadata for OCRed files.

When manual .txt transcriptions are to be created for an individual collection—usually one with handwritten texts or audio and visual materials—the project team should develop a set of instructions for transcribing the material so consistency is ensured. As a rule, brackets ([…]) are used by project creators to add information that clarifies, explains, corrects, etc., the verbatim text.

Transcript vs. Description for textual content in image files. Generally, use the Description field for text if the object is an image, and use “On recto:” or “On verso:” as needed, with only verbatim text in quotation marks (“…”). However, longer text may be included in the Transcript field even if the object is an image.


A HYMN OF BROTHERHOOD Written by Brooks Hays during the period of racial tension in Little Rock. Beneath these warm and friendly southern skies, The Ozark hills adorn a verdant plain. The handiwork of pioneers we prize, As well, the beauty of this grand domain. Life now confronts us with a changing scene, But faith and wisdom will direct these days. Accepting altered forms with happy mien, We'll follow only just and loving ways. Renouncing any act that hurts our neighbors' pride, Hands joined to make for all a better life, We trust in human kindness as our guide And justice under law to banish strife. Our prayers ascend, that these will bring release From threatening tensions of the present hour, That God will give us all His blessed peace And brotherhood the noblest aims empower. Corrected and revised -December 12, 1978.

Arkansas Black: Fruit large, round, oblong, covered all over with very dark red, much darker than Wine Sap. Flesh orange-yellow. A splendid keeper. October to May. No. 25.

Collected by Imogene Vervack For M.C. Parler Folklore class Sing-A-Bout Transcribed by Linda Humphrey Sung by Imogene Vervack Ft. Smith, Ark. July 13, 1965 Reel 374 Item 3 (After the Ball) After the ball was over, Jenny took out her glass eye, Put her false teeth in the tumbler, Stopped up her bottle of dye, Stood her false leg in the corner, Hung her false hair on the wall, And that was what's left of poor Jenny, After the ball.

Revision Date: 12/19/19