Getting Better Results with Google Scholar

Use these tips to make Google Scholar work better!

Where Does It Come From?

Where a resource comes from may be related to the geographical origin, as well as the publication site itself, labeled by domain names such as .edu or .gov, or sometimes .go. Countries of origin are usually represented in the URL or web address of the materials. What you get from Iran (IR in addresses) may be much different from what you get from Germany (DE) or Finland (FI) on the same subject.

Some have gone as far as creating a patentable way to determine the country of origin (Lawrence, Eric M., Roberto A. Franco, Venkatraman V. Kudallur, and Marc A. Silbey. "Validating the origin of Web content." U.S. Patent 7,725,930, issued May 25, 2010). In some countries content is under strict control. Origin does not determine validity. You still have to read and judge the material.