Getting Better Results with JSTOR

Tips for searching this database

Authors' Names and Cited References

If you want works BY an author, put the author's name into the box in the Advanced search and change the dropdown menu to author

or use the author tags and include the name in quotation marks:

AU:  to search for works by a specific author, example:

JSTOR advanced search using AU and quotation marks for author name

Authors' names can vary in the way that they are recorded and cited.Be careful. Even the author in this example is sometimes shown as Stanley E. Fish. Last names and initials in common can still cause confusion. Even a less common name will usually draw up more than one author's works.

Cited By and other things

An article from JSTOR, showing the head of the article and several options along the left sidebar, including the article's references and a link to who has cited the article.

You will see in the frame for an article the abstract and details, the end notes or references, and the useful "Cited By" with a number. If you click on that link, you will retrieve a new list of newer articles that cite what you had been looking at, but which should still be relevant to your topic.