Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Historical Publications

Links to publications in the Digital Collections; funded by Project Ceres and the University of Arkansas Libraries

Annual Reports, Bulletin, Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station The Annual Reports provide an overview of the work of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment stations in each fiscal year; in some cases, they are consolidated reports on a span of years, based on the progress in research on a particular crop or against a pest. The reports are written for farmers and researchers. The Annual Reports serves as an index to the contents of the individual Bulletins.

Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin These publications were intended to improve the productive lives and health of farmers and families in Arkansas. The Bulletin provided research reports, with narratives, descriptions, graphs and charts, in-depth information, and some had literature reviews and cited sources.The Bulletin covered a range of topics, but was intended to answer questions and convey the results of specific demonstrations, research and experiments.

Arkansas Extension Service Circulars The Arkansas Extension Circulars provided Arkansas working farmers and families education and support for raising crops, livestock, and farm buildings, making a living, planning for the future, and creating a better life for themselves, through clothing and decorative arts, gardening and canning, farm management and financial education. 

Mimeograph Series, Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station The Mimeograph Series (1949-1984) gave Arkansas farmers information about fruitful varieties of field crops like cotton, rice, corn, and sorghum, and garden crops, such as cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli. The results of field testing, chemical trials and pesticide trials, seed tests and cultivation experiments were included. The reports looked at resistance to disease, spraying for pests and weeds, and improvements in harvesting, and more. The first report, "The Value of Bees to Agriculture," focuses on pollination, as reported on various crops over time in different states, an important subject even then.

Miscellaneous Publications (MP), Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service The Arkansas Extension Service's Miscellaneous Publications (MP) are just that — materials that represent subjects or information that might come out only once or irregularly, like the list of films available for 4-H clubs to borrow, or a pamphlet on forest fire prevention.Other topics covered are related to publications in the Arkansas Extension Service's Circular series, or the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, but are for a specific time frame or purpose, like the issue on "Remodeling Garments into Victory Clothes," MP no. 1, 1914, to make the most of a scarce commodity and show patriotic thrift, or "How Much Market, Where, To Whom, How, And What Price?" MP no. 19, 1949, to guide discussions on marketing of crop surpluses after World War II.

Special Reports: Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station The Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report series address specific topics of interest to farmers in the state. They are often themed issues, in the sense that the focus might be on a range of topics that would zero in on one type of farming, like cattle production, from the inclusion of legumes in a tall fescue pasture, supplementation for grazing beef cattle, and an article on clinics to evaluate the soundness of breeding bulls, among others, so that if you were raising cattle on fescue pastures the whole publication might be of interest to you.

Arkansas Farm Research, Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station - This series provided short updates on current research at the various Experiment stations in the state. The articles are mostly illustrated with photographs, and nearly all are a page or less in length. New techniques with animal husbandry and an increased focus on poultry, new varieties of field crops, especially of rice and soybeans, and recommendations for horticultural and garden crops dominate the content.