What is the American Chemical Society (ACS)? The ACS is an international professional association for chemistry that promotes research, industry, and education.
What journals does the ACS publish? The ACS publishes journals in all fields of chemistry.
How does the UA-ACS agreement benefit authors? The article processing charge (APC) for journals is covered 100%.
Which journals are covered? Eligible journals are listed on the ACS author guidelines.
Who is eligible? The primary corresponding author for the article must be affiliated with the University of Arkansas Fayetteville; they may be a faculty member, staff member, student, or postdoc. They should use their uark.edu email address.
Are there any requirements or restrictions? The authors must assign the article a Creative Commons license. The only acceptable license is CC-BY. For more information about Creative Commons licenses, visit the Creative Commons Licenses Library Guide.
How can an author apply? Follow the instructions provided in the ACS author guidelines.
Additional tips: The primary corresponding author should be the person who submits the article through the ACS system; they should use their uark.edu email address.