International Open Access Week

International Open Access Week

What Is Open Access?

>Infographic titled “Open Access 101.” The first box text reads “Today’s world requires information – for education, research, creativity, and life’s daily needs. Consumers pay for information & the right to use it. But no $$ = no access. With Open Access, the cost is covered by producers of information, so everyone has equal access! Research advances by sharing the results!” The second box has the image of an open book and reads “01 What is Open Access? It’s the “free, immediate, online availability of research articles… [and] the rights to use the[m]. (1) This means no paywall, immediate access, and usage rights. The second box has the image of an open doorway and reads “02 Why Open Access? Equity – Removes the cost barriers to allow everyone to access the same information. Acceleration – Speeds up and builds on development, advancement, and solutions. Public funding – Taxpayer-funded is a public good.” The third box has the Open Access image, of an unlocked padlock, and reads “03 How Open? Open Access means the information is freely available to: Access – read, view, listen; Use – apply, perform, repurpose; Modify – adapt, change” The last box reads “DYK? Open Access is the reason the Covid-19 vaccine was able to be developed so quickly! (2) (3) Open Access is the reason research is accelerating on anti-malaria drugs! (4) Open Access saves students millions of dollars with the adoption of open education resources (OERs) like textbooks! (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) At the bottom of the infographic are the University of Arkansas Libraries logo and the Open Access logo. The last line reads “Infographic created with Canva. Some icons from The Noun Project. All Sources:”


Text Version of Open Access 101 Infographic

Today's world requires information - for education, research, creativity, and life's daily needs. Consumers pay for information & the right to use it.

But no money = no access.

With Open Access, the cost is covered by producers of information, so everyone has equal access!

Research advances by sharing the results.


01 - What is Open Access?

It's the "free, immediate, online availability of research articles... [and] the rights to use the[m]." [1]


02. Why Open Access?

Equity - Removes the cost barriers to allow everyone to access the same information

Acceleration - Speeds up and builds on development, advancement, and solutions

Public funding - Taxpayer-funded is a public good


03. How Open?

Open Access means the information is freely available to:

Access - read, view, listen

Use - apply, perform, repurpose

Modify - adapt, change


Did You Know?

Open Access is the reason the Covid-19 vaccine was able to be developed so quickly! [2] [3]

Open Access is the reason research is accelerating on anti-malaria drugs! [4]

Open Access saves students millions of dollars with the adoption of open education resources (OERs) like textbooks! [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


All sources from