Standards are often issued by more than one group, thus you can find standards in the databases of Knovel, IEEE Explore, ASCE, and ASTM Compass.
If we don't own a standard in print or online, we may either request via interlibrary loan or purchase through TechStreet.
In the meantime, go ahead and request the standard via the request form:
ISO are purchased selectivity as needed for classes and research. They are added to the paper collection in Mullins Library and may be checked out. Individual standards can be found by searching OneSearch using the standard number. More details about available ISO standards can be found at ISO Standards.
If you need an ISO standard we do now own you may request it through ILL or contact the Engineering Librarian for additional assistance. ISO standards are expensive, so it is helpful if you interact with the Engineering Librarian to determine if an alternative resource might provide the information you need.
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) is responsible for important standards related to transportation including the Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing.More information about accessing electronic versions of AASHTO standards as well as what the library purchases in paper can be found on the AASHTO page of this Research Guide.
Some standards organizations are choosing to post some standards online. Most require registration and are only a subset of standards available from that organization. Reading online only and limited printing options may also make it difficult to have a personal copy.