Covers: 1960s-. Provides full abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, PhD dissertations, and exhibition reviews on all forms of modern and contemporary art. Also incorporates book records, including those drawn from the collections of the Tate Library and the Bibliothèque Dominique Bozo, Musée LAM.
Covers: 19th century - 2000. Provides a comprehensive and continually updated bibliographic dataset of the published literature pertaining to the anthropology of Mesoamerica. Content includes archaeology, ethnography, ethnohistory, art history, linguistics, physical anthropology, and other related disciplines. Intended to update Ignacio Bernal’s "Bibliografía de Arqueología e Etnografía: Mesoamérica y Norte de México, 1514-1960," this bibliography is a joint effort between FAMSI and the Museum Library of the University of Pennsylvania.
Covers: Late antiquity to Renaissance. A tool to search across all the Brepols Latin text corpora, including the Library of Latin Texts, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database.
Brings together eBook collections from more than 25 of the world’s most prestigious university presses and publishing houses, including Harvard, Princeton, and Edinburgh. Take a short survey on this resource Trial Ends: 05/30/25
Covers 1932-. Includes over 5,100 titles covering key topics related to the study of psychology, student/patron wellbeing, and self-care skills. Take a short survey on this resource Trial Ends: 03/09/25
Covers: 1910-2015. An archive of magazines in the field of education, ranging from the early 20th to 21st centuries. The publications are aimed at teachers and other educational professionals and constitute valuable primary sources through which the evolution of educational policy, practice, and theory during this period may be delineated and interpreted.
A highly visual online learning tool that takes visual-spatial learning to the next level by bringing the lab to the classroom. Students can entertain their curiosity and inspire improvement through an experience that allows zooming in, rotating, or pulling models apart to explore and experiment with complex scientific topics. Take a short survey on this resource Trial Ends: 03/30/25
Contains the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957--all digitized from originals in full color. In the era before television, the Picture Post brought major social and political issues to the British population through an innovative use of photo-journalism. Take a short survey on this resource Trial Ends: 03/15/25
Covers: CE 500-1500. A comprehensive collection of primary sources related to German medieval history. The MGH, published continually since 1819, is arranged in 5 series: Scriptores (historiography), Leges (laws), Diplomata (charters), Epistolae (letters), and Antiquitates (antiquities = poetry, necrologies).
Covers: 1778-1886. Database of treaties between tribal nations and the U.S. Includes digitized treaty text and links to digitized treaties at the National Archives.
Supported in part by the Arkansas State Library Traveler Project. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
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