Arkansas Indigenous Nations

The Arkansas Indigenous Nations guide is designed to offer resources that deepen our understanding and appreciation of the rich history and cultural heritage of Arkansas' Indigenous Peoples.

Katharine Chandler, Special Collections and Serials Cataloger



Telephone: 575-6898

Office: GLAD 154


Digital Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Martha Anderson

Mullins 402B


The Arkansas Indigenous Nations libguide was thoughtfully created to offer educational materials on the Indigenous Nations of Arkansas, acknowledging their deep connection to the land.

Drawing inspiration from the Fulbright College’s land acknowledgment, the guide focuses on the included nations, with their names listed as they appear in the acknowledgment. This approach honors the recognition and respect for these Indigenous Nations, as opposed to alphabetical or any other arbitrary order.

As a resource, the libguide aims to enhance understanding, awareness, and appreciation of the rich history and culture of Arkansas' Indigenous Peoples.


The Arkansas Indigenous Nations libguide is freely accessible, fostering an inclusive learning environment. We welcome input from anyone who shares our passion for enriching its content. Together, we can enhance understanding and appreciation of the rich history and culture of Arkansas' Indigenous Peoples. Let's collaborate and contribute to this valuable resource!
