What is The Plan Journal (TPJ)? TPJ publishes research and criticism in the fields of architecture and urbanism. For an overview of the journal, please visit The Plan Journal homepage. For access to the University Libraries subscription, please use The Plan Journal catalog record.
How does the UA agreement with The Plan Journal (TPJ) benefit authors? The article processing charge (APC) is covered 100%.
Who is eligible? Full-time faculty and doctoral students affiliated with the University of Arkansas Fayetteville are eligible. They should use their uark.edu email address for submitting their manuscripts to The Plan Journal (TPJ) and for corresponding with the editorial team.
How can an author apply? After the manuscript has been accepted (i.e., after successful peer review), the author should contact the subscription office [tpj@theplanjournal.com] and mention that the University of Arkansas Fayetteville has an agreement with TPJ allowing authors affiliated with the University to publish open access articles without paying the publication fee. Authors are invited to use the TPJ waiver request template.
Additional tips: The author should use their uark.edu email address for submitting their manuscripts to The Plan Journal (TPJ) and for corresponding with the editorial team.