COMM 23303 Introduction to Communication Research

This guide is designed for undergraduate students embarking on scholarly research in the Department of Communication

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Access to Library Materials - Physical Items

Physical Collections

All of the libraries' circulating collections (over 3 million) are listed in OneSearch. These collections include books, government documents, DVDs, CDs, and other media.

Most of the materials are classified by the Library of Congress call number system.A call number describes the placement of the item on a shelf.As the items are also classified, like items are grouped together - allowing you to browse the shelves for materials that are similar in subject matter. OneSearch has a virtual browse feature that allows you to browse adjacent and similar materials arranged by call number. For more information on call numbers, see the video below.

Once you obtain a call number, you can locate the items in the Libraries' collections. The Libraries consist of Mullins Library (listed as MAIN in OneSearch) as well as three branch libraries and the Law Library.Check the Libraries' website for maps of the library and the guide to finding your call numbers in the main library.

Access to Library Materials - Electronic Collections

The library subscribes to hundreds of databases that provide a variety of services. There are

  • Online encyclopedias and dictionaries
  • Scholarly journal and newspaper articles--many items available in full-text
  • Legal and business information, statistics, and more.

The libraries' databases can be found in a number of ways. A good place to start is our Databases by Subject page.For each subject, the appropriate subject librarian has added links for top resources in their specialties.Many have created a "Best Bets" page that provides a variety of resources for research in the area.