Covers: 1945-. Indexes high-impact journals in all disciplines. It allows researchers to determine who has cited whom, to track citations, and to find articles that share many references in common.
Use the "Editions" drop down to limit your search to arts and humanities, social sciences, or sciences.
New! Now includes Book Citation Index for Sciences and Social Sciences / Humanities, covering 2005-.
Covers: 1978-. Provides worldwide coverage of zoological literature, with particular emphasis on systematic/taxonomic information. Zoological Record's thesaurus provides an easy-to-use means of viewing subject, geographical, palaeontological, and taxonomic hierarchical vocabularies, so users can select the controlled terms best suited for their subjects.
Covers 1950-. A comprehensive index from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, covering journal articles in all areas of the life sciences, with particular emphasis on biomedicine. Includes all areas of human and veterinary medicine, dentistry, nutrition, toxicology, pathology, public health, and health services administration. MEDLINE is a part of the National Library of Medicine's PubMed information suite.
Covers: mostly 1990s- with some content back to the 19th century. A general research database that includes both popular magazines and scholarly journals. Offers academic and trade journals, popular magazines as well as some books, reports, and websites. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for some journals.