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Optics Books
Introduction to Modern Optics by Grant R. FowlesThis incisive text provides a basic undergraduate-level course in modern optics for students in physics, technology and engineering. The first half of the book deals with classical physical optics; the second principally with the quantum nature of light. Chapters 1 and 2 treat the propagation of light waves, including the concepts of phase and group velocities, and the vectorial nature of light. Chapter 3 applies the concepts of partial coherence and coherence length to the study of interference, and Chapter 4 takes up multiple-beam interference and includes Fabry-Perot interferometry and multilayer-film theory. Diffraction and holography are the subjects of Chapter 5, and the propagation of light in material media (including crystal and nonlinear optics) are central to Chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 introduce the quantum theory of light and elementary optical spectra, and Chapter 9 explores the theory of light amplification and lasers. Chapter 10 briefly outlines ray optics in order to introduce students to the matrix method for treating optical systems and to apply the ray matrix to the study of laser resonators. Many applications of the laser to the study of optics are integrated throughout the text. The author assumes students have had an intermediate course in electricity and magnetism and some advanced mathematics beyond calculus. For classroom use, a list of problems is included at the end of each chapter, with selected answers at the end of the book.
Call Number: QC395.2 .F68 1989
ISBN: 9780486659572
Publication Date: 1989-06-01
Let There Be Light by Ann Breslin; Alex MontwillThis book is the first of its kind devoted to the key role played by light and electromagnetic radiation in the universe. Readers are introduced to philosophical hypotheses such as the economy, symmetry and the universality of natural laws, and are then guided to practical consequences such as the rules of geometrical optics and even Einstein's well-known but mysterious relationship, E = mc2. Most chapters feature a pen picture of the life and character of a relevant scientific figure. These 'Historical Interludes' include, among others, Galileo's conflicts with the Inquisition, Fourier's taunting of the guillotine, Neils Bohr and World War II, and the unique character of Richard Feynman.The second edition has been revised and made more accessible to the general reader. Whenever possible, the mathematical material of the first edition has been replaced by appropriate text to give a verbal account of the mystery of the phenomenon of light and how its understanding has developed from pre-historic to present times. The emphasis is on reading for interest and enjoyment; formulae or equations which underpin and reinforce the argument are presented in a form which does not interfere with the flow of the text.The book will be of interest to students and teachers, as well as general readers interested in physics.
Call Number: QC358.5 .M66 2008
ISBN: 9781848167605
Publication Date: 2013-01-25
Optics by Eugene HechtA Contemporary Approach to Optics with Practical Applications and New Focused Pedagogy Hecht Optics balances theory and instrumentation to provide you with the necessary, classical background through a lively and clear narrative. Optics, Fifth Edition is distinguished by three core imperatives for the reader: up-to-date content in line with the ever-evolving technological advances in the Optics field; a modern approach to discourse including studies on photons, phasors, and theory; and improvements and revisions to the previous edition's pedagogy including over one hundred new worked examples.
Call Number: QC355.2 .H42 1998
ISBN: 9780133977226
Publication Date: 2015-12-23
The Optics of Life by Sonke JohnsenOptics--a field of physics focusing on the study of light--is also central to many areas of biology, including vision, ecology, botany, animal behavior, neurobiology, and molecular biology. The Optics of Life introduces the fundamentals of optics to biologists and nonphysicists, giving them the tools they need to successfully incorporate optical measurements and principles into their research. Sönke Johnsen starts with the basics, describing the properties of light and the units and geometry of measurement. He then explores how light is created and propagates and how it interacts with matter, covering topics such as absorption, scattering, fluorescence, and polarization. Johnsen also provides a tutorial on how to measure light as well as an informative discussion of quantum mechanics. The Optics of Life features a host of examples drawn from nature and everyday life, and several appendixes that offer further practical guidance for researchers. This concise book uses a minimum of equations and jargon, explaining the basic physics of light in a succinct and lively manner. It is the essential primer for working biologists and for anyone seeking an accessible introduction to optics.
Call Number: QH515 .J64 2012
ISBN: 9780691139906
Publication Date: 2011-12-25
The Light Fantastic by Ian KenyonA thorough introduction to modern classical and quantum optics, appropriate for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduates. The emphasis is on building an understanding in straightforward steps. Digital cameras, LCD screens, laser welding, and the optical fibre-based internet illustratethe penetration of optics in twenty-first century life: many such modern applications are presented from first principles. Self-contained themes covered in the book include: * Paraxial ray optics for devices including matrix methods and aberrations.* Interference, coherence and interferometry. * Diffraction, spectrometry and Gaussian optics. * Fourier optics, holography and information processing. * Astronomical telescopes, adaptive optics and aperture synthesis. * Maxwell's theory; scattering, absorption and dispersion in bulk materials; multilayer filters. * Quantum phenomena, wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle. * Schroedinger's analysis of spectra, photon properties. * Laser principles; He:Ne to MQW lasers and applications. * Detectors: photodiodes, CCDs, PMs and image intensifiers; response, noise and linearity. * Fibre optics: single mode fibre analysis; the modern data highway; fibre sensors. * Photon-atom interactions, optical cooling and optical clocks. * Second quantization, photon correlations, SPDC, entanglement.This thoroughly revised and updated edition includes new coverage of photonic crystals and Bloch waves, as well as quantum dots and microcavities.
Call Number: QC355.3 .K46 2011
ISBN: 9780199584611
Publication Date: 2011-01-07
Introduction to Optics by Frank L. Pedrotti; Leno M. Pedrotti; Leno S. PedrottiComprehensive and fully updated, this reader-friendly introduction to optics provides clear, concise derivations and explanations of optical phenomena, avoiding extraneous material. Updates material related to laser systems. Updated chapters on Optical Interferometery, Fiber Optics, and Holography. Introduces a broad range of new applications throughout, including liquid crystal displays, CCD's, CD and DVD Technology. Features a more intensive exploration of communication systems than in previous editions. Provides approximately 50 new problems and 50 new or revised figures. A general reference for optical industry practitioners.
Structural Colors in the Realm of Nature by KinoshitaStructural colorations originate from self-organized micro-structures, which interact with light in a complex way to produce brilliant colors seen everywhere in nature. Research in this field is extremely new and has been rapidly growing in the last 10 years, because the elaborate structures created in nature can now be fabricated through various types of nanotechnologies. Indeed, a fundamental book covering this field from biological, physical, and engineering viewpoints has long been expected.