Course Reserve for the class.
Course reserve materials can be picked up at the Mullins Library on the 2nd floor circulation desk. Most items are 2 hours in-library use only.
Databases -- These tools help identify articles from journals and presentations from conferences that might interest you.They improve on Google and Google Scholar searching in the depth (including older materials) and breadth of the search pool (more than what specific authors have posted). they allow modification of searches and use a controlled vocabulary, like MeSH headings in MEDLINE. Other databases frequently have preferred terminology whether or not they are called subject headings-- it's usually worth checking, and especially if you haven't found what you hoped for, yet.
General information about medical devices is available through books, encyclopedias, and other secondary resources:
Find standards and test methods related to your device:
And if/when we don't own that article or book? (please check first)