GNEG: Introduction to Engineering

Resources for class projects and more.

Finding Good Quality Articles

EBSCO Academic Search Complete is an interdisciplinary database that is a great resource for undergraduate students when they need one or two articles on a topic. It is a great place to get started for many short writing assignments similar to those you have for this class. This database also has the advantage that it has a lot of full text articles directly attached to the article abstract.

Resources included in this database are newspapers (USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor), magazines (Time, Newsweek, Consumer Reports, Mcleans', Sports Illustrated, Computerworld), trade journals (Chemical & Engineering News, Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Engineering & Technology, IEEE Spectrum), academic journals (Nature, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, International Journal of Robotics Research). For this assignment you may not use newspapers.

Each Project Tab has some suggested keyword choices for use in this resource.