JOUR 32603 / AAST 32603 / COMM 32603 African Americans in Film

This is a guide to assist students in JOUR 32603 (AAST 32603 / COMM 32603)

Journalism Selector

Profile Photo
Molly Boyd
she, her
MULN 417
(479) 575-2962

General Search Concepts

Some guidelines that can be used:

    • Use keyword searches for broad topics
    • When looking for something by a director, producer, or actor is know use an Author Search. When looking for something about a person do a Subject Search

            Lee, Spike

            Winfield. Paul

Use the term "film" for resources that are films. In general use motion picture, moving picture, movie, or cinema to identify materials about film.Some samples include:          

                      Motion picture producers and directors

                      African American Motion Picture Actors and Actresses

  • Use terms such as Feature Film, Documentary Film, or Science Fiction Film to find the films
  • Use the Find More button on OneSearch to help locate films that are held at local public libraries

Search OneSearch for Books, Journals, Videos, and more

Search by:

Combining Terms

To find more items use or

   Boyz in the Hood or Don't Be a

        Menace to South Central

To find fewer item use and

    Wesley Snipes 


      Richard Roundtree     

Truncate (*) for plurals and alternate spellings

        african*  american*