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What is Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is a platform for writing, editing and remixing open textbooks and OER. Published books can be shared digitally and users may download them in multiple formats including PDF and ePub. In addition to editing original content, Pressbooks allows users to clone and revise other openly licensed Pressbooks. This allows instructors to rearrange content to better align with teaching sequences, edit content to reflect local course goals, or remix multiple sources to create a custom text.  

Pressbooks Trainings and Webinars

Introduction to Pressbooks

Get started on the basics of Pressbooks by learning how to set up your account and first book, adding your book's information, adding and organizing text, choosing your book's theme and how to export your book in multiple formats.

Cloning & Adapting with Pressbooks

How to clone an open textbook into your Pressbooks account for adaptation, revision, or remixing to best meet your students' needs.

Ready to get started on an open textbook? This is the webinar for you!

Once you've got your Pressbooks account, this comprehensive webinar will cover how to set up a Pressbook, choose a theme for your project, organize your content, add pictures and videos, identify terms for the glossary, clone an existing Pressbooks project and other basic skills.

Integrating Pressbooks and Blackboard

Watch this video to learn how to integrate your Pressbook into the modules of your Blackboard course shell and integrate embedded H5P assessments into your gradebook.