StaffGuide: Libraries Search Processes

Search process documentation written by Libraries search committees for Libraries search committees

Sharing On-Campus Interview Schedules and Candidate Materials

Save-the-Date Messages

Save-the-date messages may be sent to the general library listserv ( and the library faculty list ( Please do not send save-the-date messages as meeting invitations. 

Candidate Materials and Itineraries

These may be sent to the general library listserv ( and the library faculty list ( Please do not attach these materials to a meeting invite sent to listservs. 

Room Scheduling

When using LibCal to book candidate meetings, please exclude the candidate's name and use only the position title as a description.

Meeting Invitations

All-library meeting invitations for candidate presentations may be sent to the library listserv ( and all-faculty meeting invitations may be sent to the library faculty list (   However, please

  • do not attach candidate materials (c.v, cover letter, itinerary) to the meeting invite
  • do not include the candidate name in the meeting invite


Sample Interview Schedules for Faculty Searches

Sample Interview Process for Staff Positions

  1. The search committee chair should coordinate with the other members to find dates/times the group is available for interviews.
  2. Once the search committee has agreed on dates/times, contact candidates via email.
    1. Let them know they’re invited to interview for the position.
    2. Provide several dates/times for candidates to choose from.
  3. After candidates have replied with a selected date/time:
    1. Email them back with confirmation and information about the interview location.
    2. For in-person interviews, including a map of the library and a link to parking information is helpful.
    3. Let each candidate know how long to expect the interview to last, particularly if they need to plan for the parking meter.
  4. The search committee should develop and finalize the list of questions for candidates, and it is also a good strategy to determine who will ask what question.
  5. It is helpful for the chair to review the job description at the start of each interview. This aids in keeping the search committee and candidate on the same page.
  6. After the hiring decision has been made, let candidates who interviewed but were not the successful candidate know that a different candidate was selected for the position.