VR Tutorial

Camera Controls

Congratulations on creating your first unity project! There were a lot of steps to reach our starting point for development, but now we can finally start learning some of the intricacies of the Unity engine. With your project successfully started, the Unity screen will probably look something like this:


Let's start familiarizing with the controls of navigating through a Unity Project.

  • Mouse Controls:
    • Left Mouse Button (LMB): Click and drag to rotate the scene view
    • Right Mouse Button (RMB): Click and drag to pan the scene view
    • Scroll Wheel: Scroll to zoom in or out
  • Shortcut Keys:
    • Alt + Left Mouse Button: Orbit around a point
    • Alt + Right Mouse Button: Pan the view
  • Game View Navigation:
    • Shift + Space: Maximize the game view
  • Keyboard Controls:
    • You can use the arrow keys in order to directionally move around the scene.
  • Toolbar Navigation
    • If you would like to quickly switch between standard views (Top, Front, Right, Left), you can use the Scene Gizmo on the top right to do so. It should look like this:


For additional information regarding scene view controls such as Mac controls please refer to the manual documentation found here: Scene View Navigation.

Second Test For Link

With this sample project created, let's familiarize ourselves with a few more basic concepts. In the left side of the editor under Hierarchy you should see Main Camera, Directional Light, and Global Volume.

  • Main Camera
    • This refers to the primary camera in a scene that is used to render the view of the application to the screen. It plays a crucial role in determining what the user sees and how the scene is displayed. If you navigate to the Game tab next to Scene. The Point of View for the application should be where you set the Main Camera.
    • This is a good point to fully test the link connection between your headset and application. Navigate to the Game tab and press the play button to run the application. When the link fully establishes, you should be seeing this point of view of your application through your headset. Press the play button again to stop running the application.


  • Directional Light
    • This refers to a type of light source that represents distant light sources, such as the sun. This is typically used to simulate sunlight in outdoor scenes. For most purposes regarding recreating lab assignments in VR, this will probably be unused. However for any type of experiments that involves the outdoors this could potentially be a powerful tool. Additional documentation can be found here: Light Placement Tool.
  • Global Volume
    • This is a feature that allows you to define global settings for visual effects and post-processing across your entire scene. Global Volume provides a way to control various visual effects, such as color grading, exposure, and other effects, in a unified manner.