VR Tutorial

Closing Statements

Through this tutorial, we have explained the setup for VR development and the fundamental concepts of VR such as GameObjects, Components, Assets, etc. Designing a VR application can be a daunting task and some background programming knowledge is necessary. When deciding whether certain educational assignments are worth transitioning into VR, it is necessary to have a design plan ready and consider whether the product is worth the process.

Future Considerations

While we tried our best to provide a tutorial that can hopefully start anybody of any skill level on their journey to learning VR development, as with anything in tech, technology will improve and innovate, so staying up to date with the latest developments and consistently learning is the way to develop this skillset. 

Future considerations that could be added to this tutorial, is the process for deploying VR applications to services such as the Meta store front so users can download the app through the store. This brings its own set of concerns and challenges as extra diligence will be needed to ensure issues such as proper licensing are taken care of. Licensing would be needed for both the platform to deploy to (Meta store), and the framework used for development (Unity). If the application would be used by numerous students, this is an avenue to look into regarding ease of deployment. Details for Unity licensing can be found Unity Plans, and details for deploying to Meta Quest can be found here: Upload Apps for Meta Quest.