StaffGuide: Metadata

Cataloging Internet Monographs


  1. Requests might come in several forms:

  1. Individual requests on an “Electronic Resources Processing Form.”
  2. A spreadsheet or list of titles. An authority record will already be set up for the series. Follow the specific processing instructions recorded there in addition to these procedures.

  1. For each title, use the URL to call it up in the browser of your choice (Firefox, Chrome, etc.). If you have difficulty accessing the site, try again later; if the difficulty continues, tell your supervisor.

  1. These procedures incorporate changes in practice from the “Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA version” (, which has been endorsed by OCLC. This document encompasses records for “online resources that are simultaneously issued in physical format and online, online digital reproductions of physical format resources, and online born-digital resources.” It stipulates that a single bibliographic record should be used to describe all manifestations of an online monograph–regardless of which publisher or aggregator is making the content available--provided that the content is essentially the same. Only fields applying to all manifestations should be included in the record. Even different file formats (HTML, PDF, Word, etc.) are accommodated on the single record, as this information is not specified. Under OCLC’s definition for this policy, e-monograph = online monographic resource = remote access monographic computer file.

Yale University’s “Cataloging E-Monographs: Copy Cataloging and Variant Format Cataloging” was also consulted for these procedures and may prove helpful (


First search OneSearch. Use the supplied spreadsheet or invoice with bib and order number. Then follow the appropriate step below. Note that we will no longer add the electronic information to the existing record for print.

  1. Matching [electronic resource] record found

  1. If you can only find a record that is part of an e-book package (BCODE3 “j” for 360 MARC, local series heading for a package, “batch,” “law,” or “mvi” in the 945, etc.), continue with step B.
  2. If you find a record that is not part of a batch loaded package, use it provided that it describes the same resource as the online one (same title, publication information, edition statement, series, etc.). This applies even if the record describes another electronic version of the same resource. Continue cataloging with step III below. Note that if the record is a short record (in all caps) you will also need to export the record from OCLC and overlay it according to step B.

  1. Brief bib record only or no bib record. Search OCLC for an electronic record using the online ISBN (if available), title, or author/title combination. At this point you will find:

  1. One or more electronic resource records

OCLC is currently working to combine multiple electronic records into a single provider-neutral one. This means that the issuing entity and file format (HTML, PDF, Word, etc.) of the item no longer matter, but rather, all online manifestations are to be described with a single record. But until this process has been completed, you may find multiples. If one or more electronic records matches the online resource (same title, publication information, edition statement, series, etc.), choose as the basis for cataloging:

  1. The best record in terms of accuracy and completeness.
  2. If records are equivalent, the record with the most holdings. Export the record, overlaying any brief bib record with the 949 “ov=.b________;” command. Continue cataloging with step III below.

  1. No OCLC record for any electronic version

You will need to derive one from the record for the print version. To do this, locate the corresponding print record (same title, publication information, edition statement, series, etc.), then:

  1. From the Connexion “Edit” menu, select “Derive” and “New Record.”
  2. Choose “yes” to “Transfer fixed field values to new record?” However, Elvl should be coded “I,” and Srce should be “d.”
  3. Generally edit the record in OCLC according to step III below. However, keep in mind that you are creating a new OCLC record, so you should check the record for accuracy and perform authority work for name, title, series, and subject headings.
  4. Because you are basing the description on another OCLC record, you will need to include a “Description based on print version record” note (588) and 776 field, covered below.


  1. Fixed Fields

  1. Check that the code in Lang matches the language of the piece.
  2. Make certain that Skip (OneSearch only) and the second indicator in field 245 are set to accommodate any initial articles in the title.
  3. In OneSearch, enter “inter” for Location and change the 049 to AFUT.
  4. Make sure that Bib Level/BLvl is “m” for “monograph.”
  5. If you are deriving a new record, the “Type” in OCLC should be “a” for “Language material.” However, once the record has been exported to OneSearch, you must change the fixed field “Mat Type” to code “3” for “e-book.”
  6. FormItem/Form should be “o” for online electronic.
  7. If editing in OneSearch, add a Cat Date and Bcode3 (x) when you are finished editing the record; exporting from OCLC will add the BCODE3 automatically.

  1. Variable Fields

  1. 006 Field

  1. If editing in OneSearch, add/check/correct the following codes:

      1. TypeCode should be “m” (computer file)
      2. FormItem should be “o”
      3. FileType should be “d” (document).

  1. If deriving in OCLC, add an 006 field as follows:

  1. From the “Edit” menu, then select “Guided Entry” and “Insert 006,” followed by “Computer Files.”
  2. Type should be “m”
  3. Form should be “o”
  4. File should be “d”

  1. 007 Field

  1. If editing in OneSearch, add/check/correct the following codes:

  1. Mat Catg should be “c” (computer file)
  2. Spec Mat should be “r” (remote resource)

  1. If deriving in OCLC, add a full 007 field with the following values: 


|a c
|b r

b black and white
c multicolored

|e n
|f blank
|h u
|i n
|j u
|k u
|l u


For example:

007 c |b r |d c |e n |h u |i n |j u |k u |l u

  1. 010 LCCN

If you are deriving in OCLC and the print record included an 010 field, move it to |w of the 776 field instead (see below).

  1. 020 ISBN

  1. If deriving, record each e-version ISBN in a separate 020 |a, and if the publisher has included the print ISBN on the e-monograph, record it in 020 |z. Also copy the print ISBN (p-ISBN) to field 776 |z (see below). If it is unclear which format the ISBN represents—as often occurs with simultaneously issued versions—then use |z for any ISBN in the e-version record. For example:

020  0309529263 (electronic book)

020  9780309529266 (electronic book)

020  |z 0309091179 (hardcover)

  1. If editing in OneSearch, add the e-ISBN(s) for this electronic version. There may already be e-ISBNs for other versions we have access to. However, delete e-ISBNs that are not applicable.

  1. 040 Field

When deriving, give this field as follows:

AFU |b eng |e rda |e pn |c AFU

  1. 050 Call Number

Each electronic book should have its own LC call number, including class stem, Cutter, and date. Do not use work letters such as “eb” unless there is a print version with the same call number. For example:

050 4 HG1615.25 |b .B49 1998

If no LC call number is present, first see if you can copy one from the print record (adjusting the date as needed). If you cannot find a call number, assign one or give to your supervisor after you have finished cataloging (or at the point of cataloging if deriving a record).

  1. 1xx Main Entry

When deriving an OCLC record, authority work should be completed at the point of cataloging. The main entry should be applicable to all manifestations of the electronic resource. Include a |e relationship designator. For example:

100 1  Kristof, Nicholas D., |d 1959- |e author.

  1. 245 Title and Statement of Responsibility

Check to make certain the 245 matches the online title page, and if not, correct it (including second filing indicator). For example:

245 10 CMOS electronics : |b how it works, how it fails / |c Jaume Segura, Charles F. Hawkins

Depending on the record chosen for editing or deriving, obsolete AACR2 practices may be reflected in the record and should be changed to RDA.

  1. Remove the GMD “|h [electronic resource]”.
  2. If  "... [et al.]" is used in |c, replace it with the names of the other authors. Also move the first author named the 100 field from the 700 field of the print record. (Do not consider editors to be authors; they continue to be entered in 700.)
  3. Remove brackets from supplied other titles in |b. (It is still acceptable to use them for clarifying words added to |c.)
  4. Bracketed "[sic]" should be removed. If this appears in |a, enter the corrected form of the title|a in a 246 field.
  5. If your title has ellipses ( … ), transcribe them rather than replacing them with a dash.

  1. 246 Varying Form of Title

Use this field for recording additional titles (or portions of titles) found in the online resource, or on the Web pages where they are hosted. Note that the latter should be given in a form that excludes specific provider information. For example:

246 1 |i Available from some providers with title: |a CMOS electronics online

  1. 250 Edition Statement

This field should only be used for recording statements applicable to all manifestations of the online resource, and not for statements pertaining to specific provider versions. Delete the latter. Note that the 250 must match the edition of the online resource (often the same as the original print). If not, you cannot use this record (derived or otherwise) for cataloging. Search for the appropriate OCLC record, and as needed, give to your supervisor to resolve. Do not use abbreviations in this field unless present in the resource.

  1. 256 Computer File Characteristics

Do not use this field in OCLC or OneSearch records.

  1. 264 Publication Information

Change an existing 260 field to 264 _1 and spell out abbreviations not appearing on the resource. This field should only be used for recording a place, publisher, and date applicable to all manifestations of the online resource, and not for statements pertaining to specific provider versions. Often these are print publication details. Record the first-named place, publisher, and date. Note that the 260/264 found in the record must match the online resource in content, if not in form. When it does not match, you cannot use this record (derived or otherwise) for cataloging. Search for the appropriate OCLC record, and as needed, give to your supervisor to resolve.

  1. 300 Physical Description

Use “1 online resource” in |a, and add/retain pagination in parentheses if the e-book has it. Also add/retain any statement about illustrative matter in |b if appropriate. Do not include |c and |e. For example:

300 1 online resource (xix, 345 pages) : |b illustrations.

300 1 online resource (3 volumes) : |b illustrations (some color)

  1. Fields 336/337/338

The appropriate fields for an electronic resource are:

336  |a text |2 rdacontent

337  |a computer |2 rdamedia

338  |a online resource |2 rdacarrier

  1. 490 1 Series Statement

  1. If deriving in OCLC, transcribe the form of the series only if it applies to all known iterations of the online resource. Do not use for package/provider series.
  2. For the ISSN, it depends on whether the e-resource is the basis of the description or not.         
  1. When the e-version is being used as the basis of the description and only one ISSN appears in the resource being described, record that ISSN in the 490 field.
  2. If both a print ISSN and an electronic ISSN appear in the resource being described, transcribe the e ISSN.
  3. When the physical format version record is being used as the basis of the description, use whatever ISSN appears on that record.

  1. Add (or retain) a local series statement for the electronic package, if applicable, in OneSearch. These will generally have an authority record with note “Local series used to group ...”. Enter them as a 490 1/830 pair. For example:

490 1  Wiley InterScience electronic books

830  0 Wiley InterScience electronic books


  1. 5xx Notes

When deriving an OCLC record, verify all existing notes, but accept those in OneSearch record unless they are obviously wrong. Generally spell out abbreviations unless they appear that way in the resource. Follow these additional instructions:

  1. Source of Description Note

  1. If the description is based on the e-resource itself, add a note (as the first note in the record) in the following format:

588  Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (ACM, viewed May 26, 2011).

  1. When deriving from a print record in OCLC, add the following note. It will be accompanied by a 776 field (see below).

588 Description based on print version record.

  1. 506 Restrictions on Access Note

Enter the following note in OneSearch only:

506 Electronic access limited to current UAF students, faculty, and staff.

  1. 530 Additional Physical Forms Note

Do not use. Prefer field 776, |i (see below).

  1. 533 Reproduction Note

 Do not use. Note that this is a change in practice.

  1. 538 Systems Requirements Note

Do not use.

  1. 6xx Subject Headings

If there are no subject headings (600, 610, 650, or 651 fields), in the record, assign them or give to your supervisor. If you are deriving a record, this will need to be done at the point of cataloging; otherwise, it can wait until you have finished cataloging.

  1. 655 Genre Heading

Add the following genre heading to the record if not already present:

655 _0  Electronic books.

  1. 7xx Added Entries

When deriving an OCLC record, authority work should be completed at the point of cataloging. Include only added entries for persons, corporate bodies, conferences, etc., that are applicable to all manifestations of the electronic resource. Use of appropriate relationship designators in |e is strongly encouraged.

  1. 776 Additional Physical Form

Generally add this field to link the e-resource to its corresponding print version. (The “Description based on print format version record” note will also be included in the record.) To create the link, use the OCLC “Insert from Cited Record” command.

  1. Go to the line above the point you wish to insert the data.
  2. On the “Edit” menu, click “Cut Copy Paste > Insert Blank Field > Below Current Field.”
  3. Type tag “776” and enter indicators “08.”
  4. In the field data cell, enter the OCLC number, with or without the pound sign (#), for the related bibliographic record you want to cite. For example:

776 08 11553638

  1. On the “Edit” menu, click “Insert from Cited Record.” The appropriate text will be pasted in the field.
  2. Add “|i Print version:” to the beginning of the field. For example:

776 08 |i Print version: |a ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (6th : 2006 : Chapel Hill, N.C.). |t Opening information horizons. |d New York : ACM, 2006 |z 1595933549 |w (DLC) 2006297059 |w (OCoLC)769673977

  1. 830 Series Added Entry

  1. Use the authorized form of the heading for the physical format when providing an added entry for a series that exists in physical format as well as online. For series that exist only online, use the authorized form of the online series. Do not use for package/provider series.
  2. Use the print ISSN rather than the online ISSN for series that exist in print as well as online. Append the $x to the end of the field as the final subfield.

  1. 856 Electronic Location and Access

  1. When deriving an OCLC record, you will need to add the URL in field 856 with indicators40” (for “Resource”). Enter only a URL that would be valid for all licensed subscribers (e.g., do not enter an Athenized URL). Also do not add institution specific notes to |z (e.g., “Click here”). A |3 may be used for package/provider name, but only in cases where the domain name in the URL is not specific.
  2. When editing in OneSearch, add the Athenized URL for the resource in hand.

|zFull text online. |u

There may be additional URLs for other providers, but delete any that are not applicable to our holdings.

  1. We are no longer adding links for table of contents and other related materials to our records for full text resources. Therefore, there should not be any 856 41 or 856 41 links present in the record. These will be stripped by the load table.

  1. 945 Field

    1. If cataloging in Sierra, add a 945 field with your initials. (Or, if there are already initials in the 945, add yours in a 955 field.)

    1. If cataloging in OCLC, add a 949 field and export the record to OneSearch. Overlay the existing record as needed. Note that there is a new electronic ("e") load table for exporting records for internet resources. For example:

949 *recs=e; ov=.b12345678;


  1. Use default template “e-item,” which will supply the following codes:

Itype 43

Location inter

Status j

  1. Do not enter a barcode number. Only one “inter” item record is needed, even though we might have access through multiple providers.


Make sure that URL really functions in the OPAC.

  1. From Sierra, simply click on “View” and “Public Display.”
  2. Look at the record. There should be a box in the middle labeled “Available Online” and a hyperlinked URL or public note. Click the link to be sure it works.
  3. If it does not work, or the display looks incorrect, double-check your 856.
  4. If you are not sure why there is a problem, ask your supervisor.