StaffGuide: Electronic Serials

Electronic Serials

Perpetual Access

  1. To facilitate processing of Perpetual access when the title is dropped/canceled , if the publisher indicates Perpetual access rights at the time of purchase of a title; add a 947 SERIALS note to the bib using the contract language provided by the publisher.

BIB STANDARD FORMAT: v947 SERIALS Perpetual access for contract language provider per source.  Provider and years included. (date/initials)

                 EXAMPLE:v947  SERIALS Perpetual access for all paid for content per HARR. Sage 2011-2017 (04/09/15 lrl)  .


  1. Check order record and or website information on the title for perpetual access information.  If we retain access to online holdings after the subscription is canceled, use standard wording to make a 947 note in the bib, because the order record and check-in records will be deleted once archived.


  1. If not granting perpetual access at the end of the subscription, but the publisher is still granting access indefinitely, then add following 947 in the bib record.

BIB STANDARD FORMAT: v947 SERIALS Publisher/Provider still granting access dates. (date/initials)

EXAMPLE:  v947  SERIALS JSTOR still granting access 2004-2013.


  1. If Perpetual access at the end of the subscription is verified in the order record or with the vendor, then add the following standard format for 947 SERIALS note in the bibliographic record.

BIB STANDARD FORMAT: v947 SERIALS Perpetual access for contract/order record note per source of information. Publisher/Provider dates of perpetual access. (date/initials)

EXAMPLE:  v947  SERIALS Perpetual access per order record per HARR. DeGruyter  2005-2014 (4/07/15 adm)

Perpetual access notes


  1. If Perpetual Access granted at the end of a subscription, also add note in “Location Note” field in Serials Solutions.

SERSOLN LOCATION NOTE STANDARD FORMAT:   Perpetual access. Provider, dates of access.

EXAMPLE:  Perpetual access 1973-2000.

Perpetual access in Serials Solutions


  1. Update holdings for title by doing coverage edit and updating url holdings in bib as needed.


  1. When a subscription begins/ends, review for perpetual access and add the appropriate notes where necessary.

When access is not working:


For Perpetual access, when access no longer available then review with Library Supervisor or accountant before removing the access permanently. If unable to resolve, then profile title Under Review in Serials Solutions, update coverage in Sierra, and remove information in the bib and/or check-in record, and delete the temporary check-in record.


If not granting perpetual access at the end of the subscription, and the publisher is no longer granting access, then profile the title to Under Review in Serials Solutions, update coverage and remove information in the bib and/or check-in record and delete the temporary check-in record.


NOTE:   947 notes should appear before any 99x notes and after the 945 initials fields. The ordering for 947 fields are:

  • Perpetual access notes
  • Cancel/drop notes
  • Other