StaffGuide: Electronic Serials

Electronic Serials

Information We Need from the Vendor

Done by: Serials, Acquisitions

  • Access URL
  • Dates of trial
  • Contact information at vendor for questions
  • Any administrative logins (when possible, this should be
  • IP authentication, referring URL, or password?
  • Off-campus access allowed?
  • Pricing
  • How will statistics be delivered at the end of the trial?

Remote Access

Done by: Serials, Web Services


Create a Trial Brief Resource Record

Done by: Serials

  1. Check Serials Solutions for the “official” database name
  2. Create a NEW Resource record with the template “MULNTrial
    Default settings:
  • Rights Type: MULLINS TRIAL
  • Suppress: DISPLAY unless the trial has not yet started
  • Payment Unit: MAIN
  • Resource Status: ACTIVE TRIAL
  • Trial begin and end dates
  • Resource ID: Use the official database name from Serials Solutions, if possible.
  • Resource Name: match the Serials Solutions name, if possible
  • Alternate Name:  Add at least one alternate name wiht the vendor in front, example "ProQuest Expensive Dagtabase"
  • Statistics: record url or method to obtain
    • Login
    • password
  • Resource URL: proxied if off-campus access is available
  • Description: dates of coverage (“current” is also used); brief one or two-sentence description of contents.
  • Format: Text is default, audio, video, etc
  • Resource Type: choose from the drop-down.
  • Staff Note: Trial Statistics: overall use numbers will be recorded here at the end of the trial
  • Staff Note: Feedback: paste comments or link to LibWizard survey at
  • Staff Note: Trial Requested by: record the selector name and subject area
  1. Save the record and attach a license record based on the record template MULNTrialL. Be sure to include the trial end date.
  2. Save the record and make a note of the record number.
  3. Alert Web Services that a new trial has been set up.

Set up the Database in LibGuides A-Z

Done by: Web Services

  1. Create a new database A-Z record (Content > A-Z Database List > Add Database)
  2. Fill out the fields taking special care with Trial Resource and Expiration Dates. The resource will disappear from public view on the expiration date.
  3. Add  to the description the HTML for the link to the trial survey:

    <a href="" onclick=", 'popupwindow', 'width=575,height=800,scrollbars,resizable'); return false;">Take a short survey on this resource</a>
  4. Add to the description the HTML for the trial end:

    <strong>Trial Ends:</strong> mm/dd/yy
  5. Under Resource Icons, click the icons for UofA only and for More Info. The link for More Info is[erecord number minus last digit]
  6. Check that the trial is showing up on the trials page at
  7. Alert the subject selectors and Public Relations Officer about the trial. Prepare any needed blog posts.

At the End of the Trial

Done by: Serials, Web Services

  1. Change the SUPPRESS code in the resource record to suppress.
  2. Confirm that the trial is no longer displaying to the public in LibGuides or on the Trials page. Manually suppress in LibGuides if needed.
  3. Gather the usage statistics and post them in the Staff Note field on the resource record. Share with the subject selector.
  4. Gather comments sent in through the comments from LibWizard and share to the subject selector.

If the database is to be purchased

Proceed with profiling in Serials Solutions and upgrading the Sierra and LibGuides records.

See the proceedures at