Theatre Research

This guide offers resources in drama, theatre at the University of Arkansas Libraries.

Performing Arts and Media Librarian

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Molly Boyd
she, her
MULN 417
(479) 575-2962

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Art Source

Design and Technology

While the library holds a number of books on stage design and technology (including sets, costumes, lights, sound, makeup and props), don't forget to look at books on art and clothing to find historical trends.

In addition to checking in the "PNs" for literature on design, take a trip to the Fine Arts Library for information on art, architecture and landscape design (some of these materials are also available in Mullins in the "Ns"). Books on costume can be found on Mullins 3rd floor in the GTs while information on clothing construction (as well as other "domestic arts") can be found in the TTs on level four.

Strategies for Searching OneSearch

The following subject headings should give you an idea of the searches you can perform in the Library Catalog or in WorldCat in order to find materials. Notice that sometimes there are several headings for a broader topic.

  • Stage setting and scenery
  • Stage lighting
  • Scene painting
  • Puppets
  • Theaters--Sound effects
  • Stage props
  • Costume
  • Clothing and dress (also divided by country)
  • Fashion
  • Theatrical makeup
  • Masks

Selected Books on Theatrical Design

Bergner, B. A. (2013). The poetics of stage space: The theory and process of theatre scene design. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

Brady, S., & Couch, N. (2007). Documenting: Lighting design. New York, N.Y: Theatre Library Association.

Steele, V. (2005). Encyclopedia of clothing and fashion. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Briggs, J. (2003). Encyclopedia of stage lighting. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co.

Motley (Organization), & Mullin, M. (1992). Designing and making stage costumes. New York: Theatre Arts Books/Routledge.

Riha, M. J. (2012). Starting your career as a theatrical designer: Insights and advice from leading Broadway designers. New York, NY: Allworth Press.

Spencer, C. (1994). Cecil Beaton: Stage and film designs. London: Academy Editions.

Tan, H. (2010). Character costume figure drawing: Step-by-step drawing methods for theatre costume designers. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press.

Scott, M., Ashelford, J., Ribeiro, A., & Foster, V. (1983). A visual history of costume. London: Batsford.

White, C. A. (2009). Directors & designers. Bristol, UK: Intellect.

