HIST 33803: Arkansas and the Southwest

Finding information on the history, politics, and cultures of Arkansas

Managing the Research Process

You've found all these great sources, now what?

Whether you use note cards, color-coded binders, stacks of photocopies, or bookmarks made from licorice whips (please don't), having a strategy to stay on top of your research will help your project stay on track.

The Libraries offer several aids for managing your references, be they a few or a few hundred.

Handbooks and Guides

Style Manuals

Quick and Easy: Copy and Paste

Many library resources offer a Cite This or Make Citation option. These tools will usually offer a citation for the article or book in multiple formats, including Turabian or Chicago style, MLA, APA, etc.

Though it is as simple as copying and pasting, you should remember that it is your responsibility to proofread the citation and correct any errors of style. Computers are never as smart as UARK students.

OneSearch Citation button

The Long Haul: Citation Managers

Zotero logo

Citation Managers allow you to create a personal database of references you have collected, to orgranize and annotate those references, and then to generate reference lists and bibliographies, footnotes, and endnotes in specific citation formats.