Getting Started with PsycINFO

Grants and Support

PsycINFO staff began collecting data in a single field, Grant/Sponsorship, in 2005. This way of exploring citations makes it easier to find information about what organizations are providing funding and other support for specific areas of research.

The new fields allow display, search, and limits for individual sponsoring agencies, including the country in which they are located (if provided), grant numbers, grant recipients, and principal investigators. Additional fields are grant date, funding amount, and recipient country.

There is also an "Other Details" field that will include information about the grant, such as whether it was a Young Investigator Award or a cooperative agreement among several agencies.

PubMed Identifiers

Over 850,000 records have been matched with their PubMed unique identifiers — PMID — to help researchers use the PMID to navigate between searching in APA databases and finding resources in PubMed.

You can use the PMID, such as 22027259, to search for the record in PsycINFO by typing the number in the search box and choosing PM PubMed ID from the dropdown menu. Not every article in PubMed will be found in PsycINFO, however, since there are more than three million records in PsycINFO.