Resources for French TAs

Introduce your students, or yourself, to pertinent sources at the University of Arkansas Libraries and elsewhere.

Fine Arts Librarian

Profile Photo
Martha Anderson

Mullins 402B

Notes on Getting Help

Online chat is available via a consortium of participating libraries. It is possible that you will reach a librarian from outside the area.

As subject specialist for a variety of areas and with an office in the Fine Arts Library, I am not adjacent to the physical materials for this area, which are in Mullins Library. You can contact me by phone, e-mail, or in person as listed in the profile box on each page of the Research Guide.

You also may contact the service desk at Mullins Library, frequently staffed by librarians, during regular business hours. The phone number is 479-575-6645. If your question is in-depth, the person on duty may refer you to me. However, feel free to start at Mullins Library.

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