Open Science Framework

Create a project and provide the outputs in an open access repository

Permissions for Contributors

There are three different levels of permissions that contributors can have:

  1. Read
  2. Read+Write
  3. Administrator (Admin)

Administrators are also granted read access to all components within the project, even if the administrator is not a contributor on the component.

Administrators manage other contributors and permissions. The administrator determines whether a contributor is bibliographic or non-bibliographic, or whether their name appears in citations and on the project, component, registration, or preprint. You might make a contributor non-bibliographic if they are managing administrative functions on the project but wouldn't be included in citations.

Privacy Settings

Projects and components are private by default.

You can tell if your project or component is public or private by seeing which of the Private or Public buttons is toggled on or off in the top right of the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page. You may easily use the toggle function to change your settings (Caveat: Remember that once you have released work to the public, you are unable to "pull back" any legally obtained copies when you revert to private settings)

You can quickly tell if your components are public or private from your "Project Overview" page. In the "Components" section, look for a lock symbol to the left of the component name. If the component has a lock symbol next to it, it is private. If the component does not have a lock symbol, it is public.

Licensing your Content

You can add a license to your project to allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of your components while allowing you to retain copyright. If you don't see the license you want to use, you can upload your own license. The available licenses include:


By default, components receive the same license as the top-level project. However, you can modify this license in each of your components.