Museum Studies and Curatorial Practice

This guide covers some research resources for museum studies and curatorial practice. It could be useful for ARHS 47903, 49503, and 59503.


This is a list of books that will get you started in the history of museums and introduce you to some founding principles in museology and curatorial practice.

Some of these titles are available through the University Libraries collection, but some will need to be requested through Interlibrary Loan, which is called ILLiad at the University of Arkansas.

For first-time users will need to register after logging in with their UARK email address and password.

Delivery Times for InterLibrary Loan

  • Most articles arrive within 24–48 hours during the work week.
  • Many lent items (books, microfilm, media) arrive within 7 working days.

Many factors impact the ability to obtain an item quickly. Some of these are:

  • The number of libraries that own the item (more libraries gives us more choices and increases the chance of success)
  • The age of the item (many libraries will not lend rare or fragile items)
  • The type of material (many libraries will not lend current textbooks, cds, dvds, or videos)
  • The distance the item must travel the shipping method used by the lender (FedEx, Courier, US Mail)
  • Whether you give a complete citation (incomplete citations make it more difficult to locate the item)

Books on the History of Museum Studies