Museum Studies and Curatorial Practice

This guide covers some research resources for museum studies and curatorial practice. It could be useful for ARHS 47903, 49503, and 59503.

Journals and Trade Publications

Journals and trade publications can also be great places to start your research. Journals can be peer-reviewed, which means they would be appropriate for use in your academic research and annotated bibliography. Generally, peer-reviewed journals are published less frequently (usually 2-4 times a year) because the peer review process can take an extended amount of time. Trade publications, such as magazines, have an intended audience of people working in museums or the arts. They can be published more frequently (sometimes monthly, even daily if online) and are great places to research the latest trends and ideas happening in museums and galleries.

Criticism and exhibition reviews can be found in both types of these publications, too. Critiques and reviews are an incredibly important part of forming and developing a professional conversation about the arts and what museums are doing in general. These can be invaluable sources of information, although generally, they are not peer-reviewed to the extent that they can be used in an annotated bibliography.