SciFinder-n for Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Food Science and Engineering

A guide to how SciFinder or SciFinder Scholar can be used in Agriculture, especially Soil Science, Environmental Sciences, various fields of Engineering and related fields.

Cited References

Reference searches in SciFinder-n will show you what works by a particular author have been cited and how many times, IN the journals or conference proceedings included in the database. It doesn't show all of the times that an author has been cited in one profile- the citings are noted as attachments to the references.

You may need to include name variations; journal title variations are accounted for, in part, by the software (Soil Science also picks up Soil Science Society of America Journal, for example).

Below is a screen capture of a search with soil science in the journal title and water as a topic, and Brye in the author field; this is one of the results. You can see the number of times a paper has been cited in this database on the citing button. If this were live, you'd click on citing to see the information on these papers.

Scifinder-n example of a reference, showing the citation and abstract, and links to citing articles

Authors' Names

Authors' names can vary in the way that they are recorded and cited. Searching in SciFinder with an author's last name will show you forms of the name that show up in the database. Then you can chose the particular author you intended.

Authors' names may show up as different forms or with different spellings. Last names and initials in common can still cause confusion. Even a less common name may draw up more than one author's works.

In the example below, I searched for Mouldenhauer, K, and got a whole array of variations, including her full first name and last name, her first and middle initial with her last name, and so on:

Author's names may vary in Scifinder-n and other databases. Dr. Karen Moldenhauer shows up under several variations.

To get a comprehensive list of her publications in Scifinder-n, I would do an author search with each of these variants strung together with AND from the dropdown menu.

Authors' Names--Alternative Forms

SciFinder -n recommends that you enter the name of an author or editor as you think it should be spelled, but there may be variations there, also (some are typos, some are sound-alike names, for example, Miller, Muller, Mueller, and so on). If you aren't finding the works of an author who should be represented here, try alternate spellings. 

If you are looking for someone who isn't the first or last author, it may be more difficult to find their records. This is also true in citing articles. I haven't found a great work-around for this yet. 

Hyphenated last names such as Smith-Gladstone may show up under the first element (Smith) or the second element (Gladstone) with the first acting as if it were a middle name. Try multiple versions of a hyphenated name if you aren't getting what you expected and check the author list for more help.