Welcome to your one-stop shop for resources and tools designed to assist with writing assignments in your SPCH 10003: Public Speaking course. These assignments may require you to use sources only available through the University of Arkansas Libraries website. This guide will help you identify, access, and use these sources effectively.
Remember: your individual assignments may have unique components so always refer to your professor for details and specifics. If a topic in this guide doesn't apply to your assignments, feel free to pass by it.
Student Resources from the University of Arkansas Libraries:
Missed your class's library instruction day or need a refresher on the material for an assignment? Click below for a video of a recorded information literacy class.
As part of this course, your instructor might assign you online information literacy courses or modules on the following topics:
If assigned, you will be able to access these courses and our feedback surveys through your Blackboard course. If you have any technical difficulties, please contact our team at kiml@uark.edu.
Your instructor will tell you if your class will be completing these modules as homework.