Master of Science Operations/Engineering Management

Resources for the Master of Science in Operations/Engineering Management.

For Help Contact

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Jay McAllister

Mullins 423

Welcome to the MSOM/MSEM Research Guide

Master of Science Operations Management/ Engineering managementImage accessed from

Welcome to the program!

This guide is intended to help you find the proper resources to assist you with your course work. Whether you are a distant student taking online classes or on campus, this is your one-stop shop for quality information. Choose the appropriate tab to find what you need.

For more assistance or to set up a consultation with the Engineering Librarian, Jay McAllister, or send him an email. He is also available via zoom or teams for distance students and faculty.

Here are two things that can help you right away with the program and in making your studies much easier:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the library distance learning website. This page was created in consideration for distance learning students and faculty.
  2. Signup for Interlibrary Loan. It does not take very long and will help with getting access to books and articles.

Resources You Should Know and Use

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Department will deliver library materials such as books to University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff. ILL will locate and borrow those items form other libraries for you. If you are a distance student or faculty, ILL will deliver library materials through the mail when necessary.Interlibrary Loan services are provided at no cost to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff.

RazorRush Document Delivery Service

Upon request, library staff will retrieve, scan and electronically deliver articles from print periodicals in the collection of the University of Arkansas Libraries. Library staff will also scan and deliver journal articles that are held in microfiche or microfilm formats. This service is available to all University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff.

Course Reserves and Electronic Reserves

Materials that can be set aside so that it is easily and readily available for students of a particular course or courses. Items on course reserves are placed in the library or via Blackboard at the request of the course professors. Most material will try to be made available digitally, however, such is not always the case. Material is only available during the requested semester and could be password protected due to copyright fees.