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ScholarWorks@UARK is the institutional repository for the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Sponsored and maintained by the University Libraries since 2015, ScholarWorks is a collection of works derived through the scholarship of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville community since about 2012. It contains research, scholarship, and creative work produced by the university’s academic departments, research centers, faculty, staff, researchers, and students. Much of the content is open access, meaning that it is offered to users worldwide for the purpose of furthering research, scholarship, and education. ScholarWorks was established to support the University of Arkansas Open Access Repository Policy (Academic Policy 1220.00). Participation in ScholarWorks@UARK is voluntary and provides the benefits of
Please feel free to explore the ScholarWorks@UARK collection.
For more information on the contents of ScholarWorks or in how you can participate in our institutional repository, please feel free to contact uarepos@uark.edu.
ScholarWorks@UARK: Accessibility Statement
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Certain content in ScholarWorks@UARK depict ethnic, racial, and gender insensitivity that was once commonplace and that still persists in American society. While this content does not represent the views of the University of Arkansas today, it is being presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed and do not continue to exist.