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Author rights and Publications -Melody Herr
Open Access is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. For some articles, scholarly journals open access as a way to provide the content to individuals without a subscription or individual article cost. There are also journals that have been developed solely on the principles of Open Access
The Open Access symbol informs users of the availability of a research output that is available openly.
To find out more about Open Access please see these available guides:
DOAJ provides a listing of Open Access Journals. Many of the titles listed here are already linked in our library catalog and are available via Quick Search.
Open Access does not equal copyright free.
The copyright holder may still own the copyrights which affect redistribution, sales, and alterations. For example - While you can access an Open Access research article - you do not have the right to edit it or sell it to another service.
When authors want to provide open access to their works while retaining some of their rights, they will often create a license to the content. Creative Commons is one such licensing tool. To read more about Creative Commons Licensing see the following guide: