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Author rights and Publications -Melody Herr
Video recordings require care in offering them in online classes. Generally an entire copyrighted recording cannot be used unless it fits the rubrics of fair use. A general rule of thumb has been no more than 3 minutes or 10% of the audio record.
In general:
If you create your own video you may use it in your class. However, this does not include the creation of a streamed video from a DVD or VHS you or your department has purchased. Use of commercial videos are governed by Fair Use guidelines and copyright legislation.
The academic video sites listed on the University Libraries' site provide access to materials that are licensed for use in the classroom. You are welcome to link to videos provided by our sites. Some of the library databases will also allow you to create selected clips for your students to view.
Social media tools provide a host of videos that might be linked from or embedded in your class. Look for those videos with Creative Commons licensing if you wish to create a derivative work or mashup.