Copyright and Fair Use


Please be advised that any information and/or links provided on this site do not constitute legal advice and are for informational purposes only. Any person using this site may wish to seek legal advice from a licensed attorney to address any legal questions or concerns.

Contacts for Copyright Assistance

What items can I add to my class?

                                                                                                                                                                                          A Red Push Pin

  • Materials which are in the public domain  
  • Materials for which the use can be identified as "fair use"  
  • Materials licensed as Open Access  (Creative commons, etc.)                                                             
  • Links to items held in the libraries' or Blackboard electronic collections
  • Items that or linked or which have been purchased for course reserve through the libraries
  • Works for which you have received permission from the rights holder

Library Electronic Content

Check to see if the library owns electronic versions of the articles you need. In most cases, you may link the articles directly into you Blackboard course.

OpenAthens linking

To ensure that your links are usable by your students, please use the following guide to create proxied (Athenized) links.

Additional information on creating permalinks to materials that are available through the libraries can be found by searching "permalinks" in AskUs

Request an item for Course Reserves

The libraries can place items on electronic and paper course reserves. Electronic reserves will be linked to your Blackboard class.