Getting Started with SageData

Finding DataPlanet Contents via Quick Search

Dataset level records for Sage Data can be found in the libraries' QuickSearch. Each dataset may be found by title as well as through the source organization and through subject searching. However, when you click on available online - you will still need to search the Data Planet site.

Reading the QuickSearch citation

1. Data Set = Food Availability (in bold)

2. Data Table (subset of the data set) = Fruit (Juice)

3. Category = Grapefruit

4. Demographic Indicator = Food Availability

Date Type indicates that the breakdown of the data is by year.

Basic steps to start your analysis

  • Identify the appropriate larger subject area
  • Locate the appropriate dataset (#1 above)
  • Locate an appropriate data subset (#2)
  • Use the upper portion of the dashboard to limit by available data types, demographics, and categories (#3-#4)
  • Select the appropriate visualization tool from the center bar in the screen
  • Download the data or the visualization that you need.

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