Tests and Measures for Social Science Disciplines

or assessments or evaluations or etc.

Finding tests in Sociological Abstracts

Sociological tests often measure attitudes or other aspects of groups, cultures, or societies. They are less likely to be measuring individual traits, although they may be measuring the validity of a test for a population or determining a tendency or problem in a population (such as whether women with disabilities are as likely to get mammograms as their peers, in a recent study).

Sociological Abstracts uses different terminology for tests and measures-- for example, psychological tests are indexed as psychometric analysis and they use quantitative methods and measures (instruments) as broader terms.

You may need to put in your search terms with the words (test* or measure* or scale* or questionnaire* or evaluation*  or survey*) combination; you might also want to add the words indicator*, score* or standard*.

Usually the instrument is NOT attached or appended to the publication in sociology.