Tests and Measures for Social Science Disciplines

or assessments or evaluations or etc.

Tips for Social Work tests in various databases

Use Social Work Abstracts or Social Services Abstracts as starting points. These sources also have indexing terms, often related to clinical social work or specific research, and they may be different from those used in PsycINFO or ERIC.The test or instrument itself is frequently not appended or attached to the article in these databases.

Keep in mind that PsycINFO may be a better discovery tool for unpublished tests, even if you aren't thinking of the measure as a psychological one. If you are looking at school social work, ERIC may be better, and if you are looking at medical social work, MEDLINE or CINAHL may be useful. The test or instrument itself is not usually appended or attached to the article in these databases.

If you don't have a specific test in mind, you may use the descriptive words with (assessment* or survey* or instrument* or evaluation* or measure* or questionnaire* or scale*) to find articles that discuss such measures and may include them.