When you are looking at a specific record in Web of Science, you will see cited references listed at the top right, then below that a link to "view Related Records." These are other works that have cited references IN COMMON with the work represented by the citation you are examining. They are often relevant, and since WoS doesn't have a standardized vocabulary, it is one way of finding more material that may not have been found with the terms you were using to search.
When you click on "Related Records" for a citation, you'll get a screen that looks like the image below. In the right edge, it shows how many cited references the other works have in common with the one you were looking at, and you can find the new articles in the same way as you would the first. You'll see a link that says "Analyze results." If you click on it, you'll see several other ways to consider the information.
The "Analyze Results" link gives a menu of options for analysis, from authors' names to publication years. You may set the threshold for the display, and sort by record count or selected field.