When you use other authors' ideas and words in your own writing, it is important to credit them - even if you do not quote their words exactly as written.
Citing your sources allows your reader to identify the works you have consulted and to understand the breadth and scope of your research. Footnotes, endnotes, and lists of works consulted provide substantiation for your own findings and ideas.
Practicing "cite as you write" and keeping track of ideas and quotations that you use in your own writing helps you to avoid plagiarism or charges of research misconduct.
Quotation and Paraphrasing
When you reproduce an author's exact wording and phrasing, you must place the text within quotation marks or set off the text in block quotes or other formats recommended in various style manuals.
Even if you re-word the material in your own terms, a practice called "paraphrasing," you must credit the source of the information.
A number of library databases offer "Cite" tools that will automatically format a citation for you in a number of styles. These tools can be helpful if you have just a few items to cite in your paper.
Look for buttons or links to help generate your citation.
We encourage you to double-check these computer generated citations against your style manual.
There are hundreds of citation styles. Your instructor may recommend that you use a particular style. Two of the most commonly used citation styles in academic writing are:
For further guidance on these styles, go to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) guide.