High School Visitors

This guide provides information useful to local area school groups that want to visit or use the resources of the University of Arkansas Libraries


The University Libraries cordially welcome visitors from area schools, particularly high school students working on specific assignments. To get the most benefit from your visit and help ensure that all our patrons enjoy an environment conducive to study, please follow the guidelines presented in this guide.

Planning Your Visit

A typical research visit to the University Libraries most often includes an orientation session with a librarian as the first 30-45 minutes of a group’s visit. However, general tours and non-research sessions can also be arranged. During a research visit, the group may be allowed to stay and continue research in our instruction lab for a designated time. Students are encouraged to have a specific research assignment to work on during the visit.

The current library classroom (Mullins Library room 439) used for instruction includes 4 desktop computers for student use. Students will need to bring their own device or laptop to search during their visit.  Maximum capacity is 32 persons. If your group is larger than 30 students, we can split the morning into two sessions.

If students will be applying for library privileges in order to check out books from the library, please go here for further instructions.

Making Arrangements

Please make ADVANCE ARRANGEMENTS at least two weeks prior to your visit. Contact Norma Johnson, Reference Department, University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201; telephone: (479) 575-3498; email: njohns@uark.edu. Or you may email refer@uark.edu.

We suggest that secondary school groups limit their visits to half-day sessions, preferably in the mornings.