StaffGuide: Collection Development

Ordering Calendar

Acquisitions ordering calendar

  • Fiscal New Year Start-Up
  • Library Finance Department notifies library about endowment income.
  • Selectors advised to begin ordering, assuming there are no budgetary constraints
  • Estimate price increases
  • 2nd week of the month, selectors reach out to departmental liaisons for input about selections.
  • Oct. 1, Monographic funds should be 30% submitted.
  • Oct. 30, Monographic funds should be 30% encumbered.
December / January
  • December 15, Monographic funds should be 50% submitted.
  • Jan. 31, Monographic funds should be 50% encumbered.
  • Jan. 31, All non-U.S. source orders (printed format) should be submitted by January 31st to allow for shipping time and payment to be completed before the end of the fiscal year.
  • March 1, Monographic funds should be 90% submitted.
  • March 30, Monographic funds should be 90% encumbered.
  • March 1, Subject group orders due.
  • Budget Proposals due to the University.
  • April 15, 100% of selections must be submitted. (Must allow time for invoice delivery plus payment)
  • Uncommitted general funds pooled for special purchases.
  • June 30, fiscal year end close.


  • Budget allocations from the University are distributed one-time during the year and have not been on a set schedule. The timing of Library allocations is heavily dependent on the timing of University allocations.
  • Funds for course reserves, faculty publications, replacements, and some awards titles are available year round.
  • It is an increasing trend that books go out of print very quickly and therefore are more difficult to purchase.
  • Early monographs ordering is encouraged where possible. It is difficult for acquisitions staff to handle large numbers of orders received on or near the last deadline.
  • Rialto Market in Alma is the preferred method for submitting book selections.
  • Using Gobi folders is also acceptable to select titles for collection development purposes. Make the folder visible and the type shared. Best practice is to use your fund code and the year as the title. Email when you are ready for the selections in your folder to be ordered.
  • Unit email addresses

book selections:

book rush requests:

serials acquisitions questions:

Policies and Procedures

Fund Reports

Alma Fund Reports

  1. Log into Alma.
  2. On the left menu, choose Analytics
  3. In the search box type fund
  4. You can pin the Acquisitions - Fund Reports to your Analytics menu as a favorite report.If you pin that report you will see the link to the Acquisitions Fund Reports when you click on Analytics under Pinned Objects. 
  5. Click the report title to view it. 



Other Tools

Ebook related definitions and information

DDA "Data Driven Acquisition"  -  Also referred to as PDA (Patron Driven Acquisitions).  Titles are generally triggered for purchase in a dda plan by use.  The number of uses for each plan is different. 

We currently have a DDA program through JSTOR for ebooks (7 triggers). We only have the latest three years (frontfile) through DDA Publishers remove ebooks from the JSTOR DDA program often.  The title pool is refreshed once a month for discovery on OneSearch.  The true title list can only be seen in the JSTOR admin account, but if you sort the list at the JSTOR website by frontlist that may be close.  JSTOR DDA Title List: Demand-Driven Acquisition - About JSTOR

While not ebook related, we also have a smart dda through Kanopy for streaming video.  The Kanopy PDA title pool is curated based on past use.  Acquisitions also receives mediated requests through Kanopy from patrons suggesting titles.  

EBA "Evidence-Based Acquisitions" - Under an EBA model, we can choose to access a large pool of title and then choose titles with perpetual access at the end of the EBA cycle.  Our selection cycle for the EBA model usually occurs in May or June.  The evidence to support decision-making is supplied in the form of usage reports, indicating which titles are the most popular within our institution.  We have several Ebook EBAs currently.  See the files in the Collection Development Assembly (CDA) Team for more details about current EBAs.  

Current EBA collections


DRM-free - DRM is a set of techniques that restricts the access, copying, and sharing of copyrighted digital media files.  For instance, DRM typically limits how much an e-book reader can print and how long they can check it out.  DRM-free content allows users to freely use and transfer the content without any limitations. Buying directly with the ebook publisher usually provides a DRM-free experience.  Often the price when buying direct is the same as buying the same ebook through an ebook distributer.  Contact acquisitions to learn more about special pricing or discounts available.  Often when we purchase ebooks direct they are DRM-free - Cambridge, Springer-Nature, Taylor & Frances, or Wiley are some examples.

Ebook subscriptions with drops.  Several selectors have asked about the titles that fall out of the ebook subscriptions.  Proquest Academic complete is one of those subscriptions.  Proquest sends a list of titles that will be dropped twice a year, usually.  Most often in December and in June.  Ebsco also has several ebook subscriptions where titles are dropped often.  We do not usually receive notice of these drops.  

OverDrive contains some ebooks with expiring licenses similar to the streaming video licensing model.