ScholarWorks@UARK User Guides



ScholarWorks@UARK is

  • a showcase for the research, scholarship, and creative work of the University of Arkansas community

  • a community service on the local, national, and global levels

ScholarWorks@UARK, the institutional repository for the University of Arkansas, contains research, scholarship, and creative work produced by the university’s academic departments, research centers, faculty, staff, researchers, and students. Much of the content is open access, meaning that it is offered to users worldwide for the purpose of furthering research, scholarship, and education.

Please feel free to explore the ScholarWorks@UARK collection.

Want to learn more? Check out our mini videos!

Searching the Repository

Using the search feature of the repository will help you browse particular collections or search for a specific item. These short videos will tell you how to use this feature.

Browsing the repository video:

Searching the repository video:

Progress Reports

The success of ScholarWorks@UARK depends on you. Thank you for sharing your work, using the resources hosted here, and spreading the word. Join us in celebrating the exciting progress which we're making together!